Center of Excellence Program Tourism and Hospitality: Optimizing the Tourism Industry by UMM

The Muhammadiyah Malang University (UMM) through its Management Study Program presents an innovative program called the Center of Excellence (COE) Tourism and Hospitality. The COE program is specifically developed to address how the tourism industry can run optimally and efficiently.

The COE is an implementation of the Merdeka Belajar - Kampus Merdeka program initiated by the government. In order to create synergy between the world of education and industry, the UMM Management Study Program has established cooperation with various partners from the tourism industry who are competent in the field of Tourism & Hospitality.

This collaboration aims to provide a platform for students to study and apply Tourism & Hospitality knowledge in real-life situations. Thus, students are expected to develop skills and abilities relevant to the current needs of the tourism industry.

The COE program is expected to be a solution in facing the challenges of the ever-growing tourism industry, as well as a tangible manifestation of the Merdeka Belajar - Kampus Merdeka concept promoted by the government.

Students will be equipped by competent parties in the field of Tourism and Hospitality. The program lasts for 2 semesters, including in-class learning for 1 semester and an internship in the second semester.

"My hope is that with the existence of this flagship program or Center of Excellence, Tourism and Hospitality will not only be for Management Study Program students but also for other study programs from other faculties, and even if necessary, for the general public. This is in line with UMM's certainty, which is UMM that ensures its students will graduate on time, find employment, and be independent," said the Head of the Management Study Program, Dr. Nurul Asfiyah, M.M.

Registration for the 2024 CoE Tourism and Hospitality class has opened and can be accessed at the following link 

The following are DUDI partners and COE Tourism and Hospitality courses:
